Stanton C.502 je cenovno pristupačan dvostruki CD plejer sa potpunom MP3 kompatibilnošću. Od beskrajnih loopova do anti-shock buffer memorije, C.502 je u potpunosti opremljen sa velikim LCD ekranima za jednostavnu čitljivost MP3 tekstualnih informacija. Idealan CD plejer za korišćenje u klubovima, restoranima, dvoranama, tematskim parkovima, radeo stanicama, ili bilo gde se traži profesionalni dvostruki CD plejer.
Tehnička specifikacija:
* Easy jogwheel control for cueing or pitch bending
* Scan tracks quickly with +10 track skip search
* Anti-shock Buffer Memory
* Seamless Loop
* S/PDIF digital output
Dodatne informacije:
The Stanton C.502 is an affordable dual CD player with full MP3 capabilities. From seamless looping to anti-shock buffer memory, the C.502 is fully equipped with large LCD screens for easy MP3 text information readability. Ideal for use in clubs, bars, restaurants, gyms, theme parks, radeo stations, or anywhere a professional dual MP3 CD player is needed, the C.502 is designed with a familiar DJ friendly layout for ease-of-use.