Arturia Polybrute - Analogni Sintisajzer

Cena 262.200,00 din. PPC: 354.240,00 din. (-26%)
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Neverovatni PoliBrute je više od sintisajzera - to je 6-glasovni analogni uređaj sa neviđenom ekspresivnošću i mogućnostima preoblikovanja zvuka, napravljena da vam omogući neverovatno izvođenje, komponovanje kao i neprekidno istraživanje zvuka. Sviranje PoliBrute-a je kao da odjednom možete svirati nekoliko instrumenata ; višestrano sredstvo muzičkog izražavanja.Svaka komponenta je dizajnirana tako da vam da odgovor na svaku vašu muzičku ideju.

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PolyBrute is more than a synthesizer - it's a 6-voice analog powerhouse, with unprecedented expressivity and sound morphing capabilities, built to let you perform fearlessly, compose with fluidity, and explore sound in perpetual motion.
Like no synth before it
PolyBrute goes against the grain to provide something entirely new - and not just a new sound, new feel, new design. This is a new approach to synthesis.
The raw energy of Brute oscillators, stacked six voices high, shaped by the versatility of dual enhanced classic filters. But with PolyBrute, a patch isn't just a single sound; it's an entire spectrum of sonic color that can be traversed at the touch of a single control. Attain the unattainable.
With such sonic depth comes the need for tactility. Playing PolyBrute is like suddenly being able to play several instruments at once; a multi-faceted tool of musical expression. From the classic ribbon strip to the state-of-the-art Morphée controller, each component is designed to respond to your every musical nuance.
Sounds complicated? Not a chance. PolyBrute's intuitive function-per-knob interface and the tactile elegance of the Matrix puts next-generation sound comfortably within reach.
a new musical dimension
Seamless transitioning of multiple parameters from one state to another, and everything in between. Morphing, combined with the Morphée and PolyBrute's uniquely eloquent inventory, paves the way for endless patch evolution and expressivity.
Every patch stores an A and B state, complete with numerous parameter settings. When you gradually sweep between those two states, you’re simultaneously altering all relevant parameters - like turning all the knobs at once. Map PolyBrute’s envelopes, LFOs, aftertouch and sequencer to change the morph position between the two states in real-time.
Expressive tour de force
To complement its sonic power and colossal flexibility, we knew we wanted PolyBrute to have every conceivable means of performance expression. The single morph knob is the key that unlocks PolyBrute’s sweeping morph abilities - but it doesn’t end there.
The innovative Morphée controller
It does more than just put morphing at your fingertips; you can discreetly map the X and Y touch axes plus the Z pressure axis to bring a new form of control to any destination parameters available in the Mod Matrix. You can even use the Morphée to randomize your sequences or arpeggios with spice, dice, and ratcheting!
The ribbon controller
We’ve resurrected the coveted ribbon controller, once a staple on classic hardware synthesizers. Positioned immediately above the keybed, you can assign it to your chosen modulation destination and glide effortlessly up and down the spectrum.
The Keyboard
Coupled with a premium velocity/pressure-sensitive keybed, pitch wheel and assignable mod wheel, and footpedal controller inputs, and PolyBrute excels beyond the realm of powerful polysynth.
Great synths start
with great sound shaping
PolyBrute’s seismic sound begins with two analog VCOs sharing much of the same sonic architecture that has made MatrixBrute and the rest of the Brute family famous.
Each oscillator generates sawtooth, triangle and square waves simultaneously, and you can mix between them to waveshape just the right initial timbre.


Main Features
  • Analog Morphing Synthesizer
  • 6 voices of Polyphony
  • Mono, Unison, Poly voicing
  • Single, Split, Layer modes
  • 61-keys with Velocity and Aftertouch
  • Pitch Bend, Mod Wheel, Ribbon controllers
  • Morphée touch and pressure sensitive 3D controller
  • Sound Morphing capability, part A and B for each preset
  • Two Analog VCO's
  • Saw
  • Triangle + Metalizer
  • Square + Pulse Width
  • Sub
  • Linear FM
  • Hard Sync
  • Noise Generator
  • Continuous tone from rumble noise to white noise
  • Osc and Noise Mixer with Filter routing
  • 12dB/Oct Steiner Parker Filter
  • Continuous LP>Notch>HP>BP morphing
  • Cutoff, Resonance, Brute Factor
  • 24dB/Oct Ladder Filter with Distortion
  • Three Envelopes
  • Two ADSR
  • One DADSR
  • Looping capability
  • Three LFOs
  • LFO1 and LFO2 with waveform selection
  • LFO3 with waveform shaping using Shape and Symmetry
  • Rate control & Tempo Sync
  • Various retrig options
  • Three stereo digital effects
  • Modulation FX : Chorus, Phaser, Flanger, Ring Modulation, ...
  • Delay : 9 algorithms including BBD, Digital delay, ...
  • Reverb : 9 algorithms including Hall, Plate, Spring, Shimmer, ...
  • 768 preset slots
  • 12x32 Modulation Matrix
  • 64 step polyphonic sequencer
  • Notes, Accent, Slide per step
  • 3 tracks of automation
  • Arpeggiator and Matrix Arpeggiator
  • Stereo audio output
  • MIDI and USB i/o + analog clock i/o
  • 2 expression and 1 sustain pedal inputs
Box contents
  • PolyBrute unit
  • Power cable
Size & weight
  • Instrument size : 38.3 x 14.9 x 4.4 inches (972 x 378 x 110mm)
  • Instrument weight : 44 lbs. (20 Kg)

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Komentari kupaca

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Nikola Drobac

Dobra kupovina. Softver koji dolazi u kontroler je odlican, kontroler je kvalitetno izradjen, vise sam nego zadovoljan kupovinom. Preporuke. :)

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Nikola Drobac

Dobra kupovina. Softver koji dolazi u kontroler je odlican, kontroler je kvalitetno izradjen, vise sam nego zadovoljan kupovinom. Preporuke. :)

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Ivan Markovic

Velika pohvala za Ivana, svaka cast, takve radnike je danas tesko naci. Decko kome nista nije tesko, brz, potkovan znanjem, zna da da savet, nenametljiv a opet tu ako treba bilo sta... pusti vas da uzivate u zvuku sa vise razlicitih monitora, sa muzikom koju vi zelite i da na kraju sami presudite sta je za vas... sto je danas veoma tesko. Ujedno zvucnici su za svaku preporuku, preko svakog ocekivanja iako sam na pocetku bio malo skeptican... RESPECT, za taj novac nije moglo bolje, a i cuje se svaki ton, cak i sum 😁

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Slavisa Milosevic

Drugari, Schecter Banshee Elite-6 FR S je zaista neverovatna gitara! Ni jednog trenutka vam ne skida osmeh s lica! Za ulozeni novac, Schecter Banshee Elite-6 FR S pruza sve sto mozete pozeleti od vrhunske gitare, i slobodno trazite...udobnost, lakocu sviranja, vrhunski ton i naravno "dozivotni" sustain! Super Charger Mach-6 na bridge-u je PURE EVIL zverka i u kombinaciji sa Sustainiac-om, bez obzira na svoje metalsko poreklo, s lakocom se uklapa u svaki moguci zanr. Blues, Rock, nebitno, zvuci fantazija!!! Posebna prica je s narodnjacima, mozete se igrati do mile volje :-) Floyd Rose drzi stim k'o blesav (dva meseca nisam pipnuo ni bridge ni civije)! Neck-Thru je prica za sebe, morate to osetiti!!! Za kraj, sam izgled! Morate je videti uzivo...lepotica i zver u jednom telu!!!

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Odlican sub! Bez problema puni prostoriju 5m x 6m radi uparen sa Adam T7V.

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Dragan Radojevic

Hi, does it have 48v power ?

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Igor Nedeljković

Koliko novca!?

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